Based on data from the United Nations, the world population in some countries have a rise. We can see that the graph shows 6 areas illustrated with colourful lines. The red line shows the growth of African's population. In 20 years, 1987 to 2007, it increased from 0.5 billion to almost 1 billion. Then the lower level was Europe with green line that had no significant change in 0.75 billion people. Then in the same time, the areas that had a levelling out in population growth were America latin and Caribia, North America, West Asia with the number of 0.5, 0.25, 0.12 billion respectively. I supposed that the increase of Asia pacific population was caused both by large area and the density of the nations there.
Rabu, 13 Februari 2013
World Population (exercise 15)
Based on data from the United Nations, the world population in some countries have a rise. We can see that the graph shows 6 areas illustrated with colourful lines. The red line shows the growth of African's population. In 20 years, 1987 to 2007, it increased from 0.5 billion to almost 1 billion. Then the lower level was Europe with green line that had no significant change in 0.75 billion people. Then in the same time, the areas that had a levelling out in population growth were America latin and Caribia, North America, West Asia with the number of 0.5, 0.25, 0.12 billion respectively. I supposed that the increase of Asia pacific population was caused both by large area and the density of the nations there.
Gold Investment (exercise 14)
There are many kinds of investments. In 2012, gold had an increase. An August, its price was Rp.489.500. Then it went up to Rp.494.500. It continued to be Rp.517.500. In the middle of September gold climbed to Rp.543.000 and it boomed to Rp.555.000 in October 2012. The moment between August and October 2012 was an interesting investment of gold. After having a rise, gold dropped to Rp.531.500, then it fluctuated from December to January 2013. The price stood at Rp.549.000 and it declined to Rp.538.000 and then rose again to Rp.550.000.However, in February 2013, gold had a fall to Rp.533.000. This reduction had a levelling out in November 2012 at Rp.531.500. Therefore, the dramatic figure of gold happened in 2012 but for forcating in 2013, it will have an interesting investment and could be flexibel and liquid for our needs.
X Desease (exercise 13)
There is an interesting point when we see this graph. In 1983, X desease had only in the number of 100 patients. In 9 years, it had reduction to zero. Althoough the number of patients boomed to 400 patients in 3 years, it dropped to 350 patients. In those years there was a fluctuation. This case had a same situaton when the number of patients had a levelling out in 1983 to 1985. Its number was only 100 patients. After having a little rise in 1985 to 1987 that got 200 patients, it decreased to be 100 patients in 1988.
Senin, 04 Februari 2013
Television's Influences (exercise 12)
Television is one of electronic products. It has modern shape are both slim and flat. The colour is eye catching and it shows many program. Television has many influences. Some of them are to change local culture to the permisivism, to give any kinds of religious overview and to change the freedom of thinking.
Television can change local culture to the permisivism. It is shown by many TV's programs adapted from abroad that make local culture left by the community. Then the abroad culture do not match to local society. Maybe they suggest that abroad cultures are more interesting than local cultures are. Besides, the community fed with abroad culture. Therefore copying abroad culture sucah as the way in wearing cloth, kinds of food, musics, films and so on makes the local culture not unique and amazing. Overall, these are negative effects that are caused by television. Accordingly, there must be an attention from authority and stake holder to keep the regulation on TV's program in good circumstances. This regulation can reduce or minimyze the negative effects.
In another side, television gives anykinds of religions overview. For example, TV's programs can reach the small town or small villages by the encreasing of technology, then the religious program will lead the society to the proper view of other religions. Moreover, the values of religious program change their bad habits to nice activities. Certainly, TV's program must reflect identity of nations like the traditional culture and the rich of tribes language, indeed the religious value, that is presented to enrich people education and keep the religious culture unique and exist. These are some of positive effects of television.
It is si important too that television changes the freedom of thinking. For instance TV's program gives the community international news and it increases their knowledge. Also the dialogues program that present experts in their fields give the mutual understanding of all things. Therefore, they have freedom to show their thinking without disturbing others' interests. The freedom of thinking gives the community inspiration to be developed society.
We can see that the influences of TV's programs will be both positive and negative. The positive effects are to develop religious values and to encourege freedom of thinking. Thus the negative one is to cause local culture to be unpopular culture, therefore there must be a balancing ar TV's program between the values of culture, religion and knowledge.
Television can change local culture to the permisivism. It is shown by many TV's programs adapted from abroad that make local culture left by the community. Then the abroad culture do not match to local society. Maybe they suggest that abroad cultures are more interesting than local cultures are. Besides, the community fed with abroad culture. Therefore copying abroad culture sucah as the way in wearing cloth, kinds of food, musics, films and so on makes the local culture not unique and amazing. Overall, these are negative effects that are caused by television. Accordingly, there must be an attention from authority and stake holder to keep the regulation on TV's program in good circumstances. This regulation can reduce or minimyze the negative effects.
In another side, television gives anykinds of religions overview. For example, TV's programs can reach the small town or small villages by the encreasing of technology, then the religious program will lead the society to the proper view of other religions. Moreover, the values of religious program change their bad habits to nice activities. Certainly, TV's program must reflect identity of nations like the traditional culture and the rich of tribes language, indeed the religious value, that is presented to enrich people education and keep the religious culture unique and exist. These are some of positive effects of television.
It is si important too that television changes the freedom of thinking. For instance TV's program gives the community international news and it increases their knowledge. Also the dialogues program that present experts in their fields give the mutual understanding of all things. Therefore, they have freedom to show their thinking without disturbing others' interests. The freedom of thinking gives the community inspiration to be developed society.
We can see that the influences of TV's programs will be both positive and negative. The positive effects are to develop religious values and to encourege freedom of thinking. Thus the negative one is to cause local culture to be unpopular culture, therefore there must be a balancing ar TV's program between the values of culture, religion and knowledge.
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013
Islam in America (exercise 11)
Islam is growing fast in America even it has been the second greatest religion after Christian. There are many factors that make it grow fast. One of them is the migration of people to America. Most of them are from Middle East and Africa. They are looking for a job originally and they become inhabitan in America. Their culture and religion give the colour of American culture. Islamic worship that is peace and logic, make some people in America interested to learn Islam. Thus, when tragedi of September 11, 2001 happened, it doesn't reduce the number of moslem as more Americans learn Islam. At the beginning, many people wanted to know what the Islamic values are. Is it true that Islam teaches the anarchism or terorism? Their curiosity of Islamic teaching make them convert to Islam.
The moslem life in America is different. Some of them are lower class, middle and the rich. There are driver, seller or trader, employee of privat sector, investor, lawyer, busnisman and so on. Their works or activities are not a problem to perform sholat (praying). They can do that everywere; thus the number of mosques due to the encreasing number of moslem. Living in other countries especially America make their faith strong and keep comitment to Islamic teachings. Although they are minority, they definitely grow gradually. Their Islamic culture will develop in the society.
The moslem inhabitans in America are predicted to be a big Islamic community in the world after Europe. As a moslem, I hope that Islamic teachings can be universal norms. Islam comes to the world by piece. Islam will be "rahmatan lil 'alamin" or blessing for universe. I suggest that the minority and undeveloped moslem in the world recently, change to be the golden age. It is signed with the amazing moslem in America that we known as a super power country.
The moslem life in America is different. Some of them are lower class, middle and the rich. There are driver, seller or trader, employee of privat sector, investor, lawyer, busnisman and so on. Their works or activities are not a problem to perform sholat (praying). They can do that everywere; thus the number of mosques due to the encreasing number of moslem. Living in other countries especially America make their faith strong and keep comitment to Islamic teachings. Although they are minority, they definitely grow gradually. Their Islamic culture will develop in the society.
The moslem inhabitans in America are predicted to be a big Islamic community in the world after Europe. As a moslem, I hope that Islamic teachings can be universal norms. Islam comes to the world by piece. Islam will be "rahmatan lil 'alamin" or blessing for universe. I suggest that the minority and undeveloped moslem in the world recently, change to be the golden age. It is signed with the amazing moslem in America that we known as a super power country.
The Freedom of Wearing Cloth (exercise 10)
Hearing this words "wearing cloth" leads to many kinds of imaginations. It will mean any kinds of cloths, trend of cloth, wearing cloth for specific purpose or can be someone style in wearing cloth. Also it could be the materials that are used to make it or could be the people or industries which made it. Cloth and wearing cloth become an interesting subject to be discussed. The discussion will include the origin of cloth, its development until why cloth or wearing cloth is important for human beings.
Let us see a moment and went back to the earliest time in thousand years ago, when the first human beings, Adam and Eve, existed in the world. Allah sent them to the earth and asked them to manage earth wisely. We see, how they were wearing cloth at that time, we all know that they covered their body with leaves, and it may be the first style of cloth. As the time went on, they developed their life and tried to find the convenience one. Accordingly, we can say the objective of wearing cloth is to cover our body from the unconvenience things. The unconvenience things could be the bad weather, animals attacking or for aesthetic purpose. Otherwise, wearing cloth could be the representation of someone's faith. For example in Islam, the adult women must wear a veil to cover their aurat (body)
Islam oblight adult women to wear veil and cover their body. The objectives are not only for doing Islamic rule but also for keeping the women's safety.Why, by wearing cloth that cover their body, they will be protected. When someone wears conciously, it is not a limitation, but it is an identity as a moslimah and too as a self defence. As wearing cloth for a purpose such as to go to work, wearing Islamic cloth can be an emphasize for their identity. Overall, this overview in normal and fair.
An opinion stating that wearing veil is like a limitation is a hyperbolic. Everyone has a freedom in wearing cloth. Including wearing veil or islamic cloth. As long as someone who wears veil does not distrub other people, it should not be a problem. Nowadays some people so-called feminists raise the issue of it. Eventough they make a movements to spread their arguments that veil is the symbol of the undeveloped and foolishment
It is that I say "freedom of wearing cloth". When someone cannot force other people to wear veil that covers their body neither can feminists. It is a freedom. We must have a mutual understanding, respect each other and do not judge without having knowledge. There is a universal norms that we agree, so it can minimyze debats,
Let us see a moment and went back to the earliest time in thousand years ago, when the first human beings, Adam and Eve, existed in the world. Allah sent them to the earth and asked them to manage earth wisely. We see, how they were wearing cloth at that time, we all know that they covered their body with leaves, and it may be the first style of cloth. As the time went on, they developed their life and tried to find the convenience one. Accordingly, we can say the objective of wearing cloth is to cover our body from the unconvenience things. The unconvenience things could be the bad weather, animals attacking or for aesthetic purpose. Otherwise, wearing cloth could be the representation of someone's faith. For example in Islam, the adult women must wear a veil to cover their aurat (body)
Islam oblight adult women to wear veil and cover their body. The objectives are not only for doing Islamic rule but also for keeping the women's safety.Why, by wearing cloth that cover their body, they will be protected. When someone wears conciously, it is not a limitation, but it is an identity as a moslimah and too as a self defence. As wearing cloth for a purpose such as to go to work, wearing Islamic cloth can be an emphasize for their identity. Overall, this overview in normal and fair.
An opinion stating that wearing veil is like a limitation is a hyperbolic. Everyone has a freedom in wearing cloth. Including wearing veil or islamic cloth. As long as someone who wears veil does not distrub other people, it should not be a problem. Nowadays some people so-called feminists raise the issue of it. Eventough they make a movements to spread their arguments that veil is the symbol of the undeveloped and foolishment
It is that I say "freedom of wearing cloth". When someone cannot force other people to wear veil that covers their body neither can feminists. It is a freedom. We must have a mutual understanding, respect each other and do not judge without having knowledge. There is a universal norms that we agree, so it can minimyze debats,
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
PKL or Street Vendors (exercise 9)
Recently the growth of Indonesia's economics that is presented by trading activities is very kinds. The traders, not only the rich but also every person who has capital either big or small, can do this activity. For example PKL, standing for Pedagang Kaki Lima or the small trader, spread everywhere specially in the big cities like Jakarta. PKL is commonly spreading on the right or left of the street particularly in the main street.Consequently the main street can be narrow and of course the traffic jam will happen.
Basicly, their activity which is trading many kinds of goods, is not wrong. But it can be the problem even big problem if they disturb others' interests. Although there are many policies that have been given to manage PKL, it always fails. For a while, PKL moved from the main street, but soon they will come again and have their activities as usual. Even though police often regulate them by anarchism, it does not affect them, even they against the polices bravely.
Some people said that PKL have a right to do their activity. Moreover, their activities are for money for their life. Unfortunately, the facts show us that the authority often give special attention to the big investors or the rich, but in another side they disobey the grass root, in this case PKL. It seems that there is no justice for all. Consequently, PKL think that they must be strong and fight for life, so they are difficult to be cut off.
The experts say, there must be a discussion to all of the interests between authority and PKL to find out the best way to resolve this problem. The authority has to think about the relocation all of PKL from the main street to the new places which are more convenience and the rental cost is affordable. Besides, the places must be strategic so, the buyer can buy it easily. Furthermore, there must be a justice regulation in managing modern market and PKL.
Basicly, their activity which is trading many kinds of goods, is not wrong. But it can be the problem even big problem if they disturb others' interests. Although there are many policies that have been given to manage PKL, it always fails. For a while, PKL moved from the main street, but soon they will come again and have their activities as usual. Even though police often regulate them by anarchism, it does not affect them, even they against the polices bravely.
Some people said that PKL have a right to do their activity. Moreover, their activities are for money for their life. Unfortunately, the facts show us that the authority often give special attention to the big investors or the rich, but in another side they disobey the grass root, in this case PKL. It seems that there is no justice for all. Consequently, PKL think that they must be strong and fight for life, so they are difficult to be cut off.
The experts say, there must be a discussion to all of the interests between authority and PKL to find out the best way to resolve this problem. The authority has to think about the relocation all of PKL from the main street to the new places which are more convenience and the rental cost is affordable. Besides, the places must be strategic so, the buyer can buy it easily. Furthermore, there must be a justice regulation in managing modern market and PKL.
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
Television (exercise 7d)
We call television as an amazing box. Why is it called like this? The box could speak and there are many moving pictures.
Television can be the portrait of our daily activities. many programs are presented from news, films, musics, dramas, sports, education and so on. The pictures have eye catching colors and the body has modern shape which is slim and flat.
Interesting pictures will hypnotize the watcher watching television for hours. Absolutely, this matter can be negative effect. Watching television over time without obeying the rules or activities schedule will lead us to the illness. Instead, watching television must be in proper time which is not disturbing our duties.
And the important thing is that a regulation from the government to manage and ask the televisions program manager to present them properly. It is supposed that all of the stake holders and government care about televisions programs in educating people.
Television can be the portrait of our daily activities. many programs are presented from news, films, musics, dramas, sports, education and so on. The pictures have eye catching colors and the body has modern shape which is slim and flat.
Interesting pictures will hypnotize the watcher watching television for hours. Absolutely, this matter can be negative effect. Watching television over time without obeying the rules or activities schedule will lead us to the illness. Instead, watching television must be in proper time which is not disturbing our duties.
And the important thing is that a regulation from the government to manage and ask the televisions program manager to present them properly. It is supposed that all of the stake holders and government care about televisions programs in educating people.
Internet (exercise 7c)
Internet is a wide networks even the widest one. Everything in the world can be connected with this networks. We will know any kinds of international news, fashion, life style and so on by internet.
Internet also gives us easy way to do our duties or activities not only in our daily activities but also in our works. I usually use internet for my jobs and other activities like sending email to my friend, having fun with face book or twitter, downloading and uploading data or musics, and sure studying English.
Even more, Indonesia has the biggest users in using internet in the world, particularly for using twitter. I know it from my lecturer when she was being a speaker in a seminar at my office. It is not difficult to use internet and its nets have been widely spreading in Indonesia, even children are also using internet.
Internet also gives us easy way to do our duties or activities not only in our daily activities but also in our works. I usually use internet for my jobs and other activities like sending email to my friend, having fun with face book or twitter, downloading and uploading data or musics, and sure studying English.
Even more, Indonesia has the biggest users in using internet in the world, particularly for using twitter. I know it from my lecturer when she was being a speaker in a seminar at my office. It is not difficult to use internet and its nets have been widely spreading in Indonesia, even children are also using internet.
Bycicle (exercise 7b)
Bycicle is common in the community. Every family must have it. Every morning in the weekend, we can find children and adults are bicycling. This vehicle is practical and it doesn't cause air pollution. Recently, there is a movement from bicycler community to make a bicycle the alternative transportation to go to our work.
Handphone (exercise 7a)
Handphone is the one of telecomunication tools which is very effective. Every person now, can buy it with various prices. Recently, the price s are affordable. we can have it even one or more handphone.
For putting this thing, we do not need large place. We can put it in our small bag, our pocket and any places. We can imagined how big the spreading of handphone connecting the people in the world is.
For putting this thing, we do not need large place. We can put it in our small bag, our pocket and any places. We can imagined how big the spreading of handphone connecting the people in the world is.
Air Pollution (exercise 5)
One of pollution which are dangerous id air pollution. Everyone take breathe and clean air is very important. Taking breathe everyday must be supported with good and clean air but we find that our environment are polluted. There are so many transportation on the way, from the little way or alternatives until big or protocol way, there are vehicles. If each person uses their vehicle to their work and to go back from work, it can be imagined, how big and terrible the air is that we breathe everyday.
Air pollution can create bad health.Our heart and lungs will not get enough oxygen and our skin get irritation. Besides, we can get sore eye and irritated face. The pollution do not only happen to the young or old people, but also children. If there are many people unhealthy, how can they develop their life and sure their nations.
In my opinion, there must be a regulation to arrange transportation spreading and the obedience from community to create good environment by taking public transportation to reduce air pollution, at least in our area.
Air pollution can create bad health.Our heart and lungs will not get enough oxygen and our skin get irritation. Besides, we can get sore eye and irritated face. The pollution do not only happen to the young or old people, but also children. If there are many people unhealthy, how can they develop their life and sure their nations.
In my opinion, there must be a regulation to arrange transportation spreading and the obedience from community to create good environment by taking public transportation to reduce air pollution, at least in our area.
Train (exercise 4)
There are effective and convenience ways to get our destinations. One of them is using a train. In a day, there are a lot of schedules for going and arriving. To go to other cities, commonly people must get ticket first, and they have schedule to leave.
Usually we should prepare our departures one or thirty minutes before leaving. There is a waiting room to take a rest while we are waiting the train. In the waiting room, we could prepare our meals or anything which is important for our journey such as first aid and so on. It could be a good journey if we have other people or our family with us, then we are picked up at the station by our relatives.
Besides, one of the interesting service at the station is about lost and found, so if we lost our belonging, just ask the security or staff there, and they will help us to find our's.
Usually we should prepare our departures one or thirty minutes before leaving. There is a waiting room to take a rest while we are waiting the train. In the waiting room, we could prepare our meals or anything which is important for our journey such as first aid and so on. It could be a good journey if we have other people or our family with us, then we are picked up at the station by our relatives.
Besides, one of the interesting service at the station is about lost and found, so if we lost our belonging, just ask the security or staff there, and they will help us to find our's.
Rabu, 23 Januari 2013
Didn't Go Work (exercise 1)
This morning I didn't work because there was a flood that its high can be 1 meter. When I was arrived at the station, many people went back to their house. I told one of them who brought a helm that the train could not run to Jakarta station where I stopped, but its route just only Pasar Minggu station.
I decided to went home too because the situation wasn't good. I called my husband who rode the motorbike and asked him to pick me up, but he was arrived at his school.
I decided to went home too because the situation wasn't good. I called my husband who rode the motorbike and asked him to pick me up, but he was arrived at his school.
Living in a Small Village (exercise 6)
Indonesia has many countries. Each country consist of a lot of villages, and villages in Indonesia are commonly beautiful. The beauty of landscaping makes many people like living there. Besides, the air and water are still clean, plants and vegetables are fresh and sterile from the chemical sense.
The life in the village is quiet and it is not too crowded. The activities of the community are not too busy. Most of them are farmers who commonly have regular periods. They wake up early in the morning to go to their farms and always go home in the afternoon. We suppose to think that they live in a harmonious atmosphere.
The small village has a little inhabitant. The need of goods is also limited and the level of traffic is not too crowded. The dynamics of villager's life is not too busy, so they usually life humbly. indeed, this portrait also shows us their education which is in low level.
So far we may think that the life in the village is better than in the city because of the factors that are mentioned before. the facts, their life is difficult because they are still using traditional tools to their farms, their knowledge about farming well is not developed and they do not understand how to manage their products more effectively and satisfied.
The conditions which are limited, forced the authority of the village make some innovations and creativity to develop their villagers. In brief, there must be an attentions from the government to increase the life of the people in all villages in Indonesia. it is more better if they are well educated in order to enrich their capabilities in farming and absolutely, their life can be developed and they have self esteem and self confidence to communicate with other people in other villages.
The life in the village is quiet and it is not too crowded. The activities of the community are not too busy. Most of them are farmers who commonly have regular periods. They wake up early in the morning to go to their farms and always go home in the afternoon. We suppose to think that they live in a harmonious atmosphere.
The small village has a little inhabitant. The need of goods is also limited and the level of traffic is not too crowded. The dynamics of villager's life is not too busy, so they usually life humbly. indeed, this portrait also shows us their education which is in low level.
So far we may think that the life in the village is better than in the city because of the factors that are mentioned before. the facts, their life is difficult because they are still using traditional tools to their farms, their knowledge about farming well is not developed and they do not understand how to manage their products more effectively and satisfied.
The conditions which are limited, forced the authority of the village make some innovations and creativity to develop their villagers. In brief, there must be an attentions from the government to increase the life of the people in all villages in Indonesia. it is more better if they are well educated in order to enrich their capabilities in farming and absolutely, their life can be developed and they have self esteem and self confidence to communicate with other people in other villages.
Advertising (exercise 3)
Advertising is one of many ways to show our products. By showing products, people can know many things or new products which are produced by some people or other industries. Advertising could be the best way to get number of people known our products and suggest them to buy the products.By using advertising we can get people's attention.
The good advertising is which is not disturbing for other interest and which is presented by polite and good words. Besides, a good advertising does not give the bad sense to other products or it has harmonious pictures which do not contain pornography. If it is considered to have pornography sense, it must be placed properly.
The advertising which is packed in a good even in physic or substantive can give usefulness to the community such as health of environment, good safety to the community circumstances and exactly education for people. Instead, bad packaging or unproperly advertising in physic or substantive can create the harmful conditions not only for health public, safety or moral but also support the terrible conditions like fighting of the students or crash.
The good advertising is which is not disturbing for other interest and which is presented by polite and good words. Besides, a good advertising does not give the bad sense to other products or it has harmonious pictures which do not contain pornography. If it is considered to have pornography sense, it must be placed properly.
The advertising which is packed in a good even in physic or substantive can give usefulness to the community such as health of environment, good safety to the community circumstances and exactly education for people. Instead, bad packaging or unproperly advertising in physic or substantive can create the harmful conditions not only for health public, safety or moral but also support the terrible conditions like fighting of the students or crash.
Train The Commuter Line (exercise 2)
Train is an effective transportation. we don't take too much time to go to our offices or work places. If we take train we can get our destinations in a short time. Besides, there is no traffic jam and we will not get too tired in long distance journey.
Train is convenience because of the fix schedule, the separation coach betwen male and female, the cheaper ticket than the bus and enough cool air inside. I think for this time, taking train is better to avoid the crowded.
Reading Novels (exercise 8)
Everyone must have a hobby. One of the kinds of hobbies is reading books. The interesting one is reading novels.Reading novels can be an amazing activity for some reasons. We can see someone who reads novel can show various expressions in his reading. He can read it in a bus or train even while waiting a bus or train thus he doesn't care with the situation around him.
By reading novels we can get refreshed. With the various of the stories and a lot of characters, we will go to the setting. Furthermore, we can avoid the boring after all working day and the activities make us tired. Although novels are usually thick, we don't mind to read it. We enjoy and can read it in a short time.
Good novels especially about the culture or life style in some communities, can give us a knowledge about community culture at that time. We can understand how the community developed from time to time. Our knowledge can increase our understanding in judging some communities.
Besides, when reading novels become a habit of some people or some communities in a city, Absolutely the demand of the novels can be high. It support publishers to enrich their publication. Good novels can be the popular or pop up readings. Automatically, the economic life from the community around there can be good too.
Imagine, only the little thing like reading novels, we can make some communities better than past. This is the dynamics of life. I think it is good to transform anything that can happen in the community to the novel, therefore let us read novels a lot to improve our life and our understanding about our culture in our country.
By reading novels we can get refreshed. With the various of the stories and a lot of characters, we will go to the setting. Furthermore, we can avoid the boring after all working day and the activities make us tired. Although novels are usually thick, we don't mind to read it. We enjoy and can read it in a short time.
Good novels especially about the culture or life style in some communities, can give us a knowledge about community culture at that time. We can understand how the community developed from time to time. Our knowledge can increase our understanding in judging some communities.
Besides, when reading novels become a habit of some people or some communities in a city, Absolutely the demand of the novels can be high. It support publishers to enrich their publication. Good novels can be the popular or pop up readings. Automatically, the economic life from the community around there can be good too.
Imagine, only the little thing like reading novels, we can make some communities better than past. This is the dynamics of life. I think it is good to transform anything that can happen in the community to the novel, therefore let us read novels a lot to improve our life and our understanding about our culture in our country.
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