Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Islam in America (exercise 11)

Islam is growing fast in America even it has been the second greatest religion after Christian. There are many factors that make it grow fast. One of them is the migration of people to America. Most of them are from Middle East and Africa. They are looking for a job originally and they become inhabitan in America. Their culture and religion  give the colour of American culture. Islamic worship that is peace and logic, make some people in America interested to learn Islam. Thus, when tragedi of September 11, 2001 happened, it doesn't reduce the number of moslem as more Americans learn Islam. At the beginning, many people wanted to know what the Islamic values are. Is it true that Islam teaches the anarchism or terorism? Their curiosity of Islamic teaching make them convert to Islam. 

The moslem life in America is different. Some of them are lower class, middle and the rich. There are driver, seller or trader, employee of privat sector, investor, lawyer, busnisman and so on. Their works or activities are not a problem to perform sholat (praying). They can do that everywere; thus the number of mosques due to the encreasing number of moslem. Living in other countries especially America make their faith strong and keep comitment to Islamic teachings. Although they are minority, they definitely grow gradually. Their Islamic culture will develop in the society.

The moslem inhabitans in America are predicted to be a big Islamic community in the world after Europe. As a moslem, I hope that Islamic teachings can be universal norms. Islam comes to the world by piece. Islam will be "rahmatan lil 'alamin" or blessing for universe. I suggest that the minority and undeveloped moslem in the world recently, change to be the golden age. It is signed with the amazing moslem in America that we known as a super power country.

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